Using Spark to load DynamoDB tables with AWS Spark-Dynamodb connector.

Monitoring DynamoDB Capacity

Getting a true picture of DynamoDB WCU/RCU capacity is difficult because the default monitors automatically aggregate WCU/RCU metrics by minute. This hides spikes and abstracts away true metrics of WCU/RCU consumption (Cloudwatch also does the same aggregation by minute). In order to get a more accurate picture of these metrics, we decided to use Grafana/Influx stack described in my other post to capture second level metrics for WCU/RCU consumption.

Our Use case

  • 200 TB dataset stored in Parquet on s3
  • Ingest into 20 DynamoDB tables using Spark
  • S3 -> Spark -> DynamoDB using AWS labs emr-dynamodb-hadoop connector
To ingest a dataset this large in a reasonable amount of time we need to make sure DynamoDB is using all possible capacity across all tables, so good monitoring is critical.

The AWS labs Spark connector emr-dynamodb-hadoop has params which let you configure what percentage of your Dynamodb provisioned capacity should be consumed by Spark. The connector even allows you to use over 100% of your Dynamodb WCUs by setting to a value over 1.0 (100%). 

The frustrating part was even after setting 'dynamodb.throughput.write.percent'=1.5 (should allow Spark executors to consume 1.5 times the table WCUs) we still got a WCU graph like below, where consumed WCUs is far below the provisioned WCU limit.


Connect emr-dynamodb-hadoop table in spark job.
Get the Spark jobconf and set the following parameters:

 var ddbConf = JobConf(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
 ddbConf.set("dynamodb.output.tableName", "output_table_name")
 ddbConf.set("dynamodb.throughput.write.percent", "1.5")
 ddbConf.set("mapred.input.format.class", "")
 ddbConf.set("mapred.output.format.class", "org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.write.DynamoDBOutputFormat")

To get a more accurate monitor I made the following changes to the emr-dynamodb-hadoop connector.

1) Build small wrapper around influxdb. Use the influx-java jar:


2) Add logging metrics into emr-dynamodb-hadoop


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